Wednesday, July 25, 2007

what to do!?

so here i go...
i still haven't told my uncle and aunt that i am moving in with shana in august. yikes!
i need to pay 865.50 for august.
and i want to buy the iphone.... i get paid every thursday.... so if i wait for this thursday (and not spend) and wait for next thursday... then i will be okay. haha. now i just have to control my urges. :p dammit. thank God my weeks go by quickly. :D

Thursday, July 19, 2007


walking out of the hotel someone shouted "hey, sleeping beauty! how are ya?!"
hahaha. how do they know i'm sleeping beauty?
yes, i would be snow white.... but i would rather spend my time sleeping, rather than cleaning up after the 7 dwarfs.
what are their names again?

i always forget one of them. thank God for Google.

random thoughts of the day.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

it... what is "it?"

I was closing one evening last week, and I had to do a cash drop. so, I called security to escort me. (Not that I was carrying that much money.... but it's procedure) So, it was officer William that got me. and officer William is always very well dressed, in a nice suite, with a four point fold handkerchief... really nice, and always takes care of all of us.
As always, he asks me how I am. I always answer the same way "I'm okay, and you?" but this time, he says "I know you're more than okay.. you know why?" and I ask him why. He says "because you are the kind of girl that has it... you got it. you keep doing what you are doing and you will go places. You have it, the look, the attitude, the spirit... you'll get places. let me tell you, you'll get what you want always...... and men may come and go. and some know you have it.... but don't get me wrong. there will be some fools that won't know it until it's too late. You keep doing what you do...."
Meanwhile, I'm standing there with an idiotic smile on his face wondering how we got to this conversation. (what is "it" anyway?").... By the time I finish processing what he's said in my brain, it's too late to ask him questions. He had to pick up another person for another cash drop. So, there.
These last two weeks have been weird... flatteringly weird.
It all started last week when I random guy in the metro tells me in an Australian accent "are you getting off here?...... you really are quite beautiful, ya know?"
Then another guys sings to me "lost with out you" in crystal city.
I have been told that I can get whatever I want. But, I have no idea what I want.
So much has happened in the last year... that I am still feeling my way through.

so, i have been dating this guy. and i haven't put any labels on it... i like him. but i don't know. last night we decided to have dinner and drinks at the roof top of his building. a girl is there. E. E asks us if we are seeing each other. and he was behind me. and i couldn't even say anything. He answers "yeah we are" and she asks for how long. and i say april. I figure April. Since that is when we started to see each other weekly. sometimes bi-weekly. so go figure. i am the non-committal one. i couldn't answer. for the life of me. but at the same time, he leaves on the 19th for thailand for 8 days. then he goes to law school in sacramento. i planned to move to SF... even before i met him. i still want to go. but. there is always a but. i don't know what follows. there are so many things. like a hotel is opening in barcelona next year.
the hotel in SF has no spa.
on the other hand. R is there. And I would love to spend time with R and JM will be taking his masters there. so that should be fun.
and of course H is there. or will be there. he says he is excited to see me in october, if his schedule permits. the wedding is a saturday. so if he does come. he has to let me know soon. so i can tell rose. but at the same time. i am a little hesitant to bring him. i ahve no idea why. i think it would be easier if all this happened in manila. then i could just introduce him to you all in one blow and tell me what you think. fudgemuffin.
and last night, we didn't have an argument, but we just both started saying what we felt. and basically. i told him i felt like i was being hidden, since i hadn't introduced me to his friends.
and he said he felt bad that i didn't tell him that my friends had invited him out the last few weekends. my point is, why will i tell him if he had plans made already? why even tell him? and he felt bad. for me not telling him and for him not introducing me to his friends. he said that his friends know about me, just that when he has plans with me and they invite him he says "sorry, i am planning something with V" it is sweet. but at the same time. i am wondering how come it never occurred to him to introduce me. i know he never mixes his friends (office group never mingles with dartmouth group) which i find funny. but hey, different cultures. and i am lucky that he is very sweet and a gentleman with me. and is patient with me. which i think is very important.
i like it that we can talk to each other. and he worries and wants to know what i am thinking.
and even if he is leaving and of course i want to hear from him, at the same time i am okay with only seeing him once in a while. i know he's busy and i think it helps that i know he isn't interested in anyone else.
he says he likes me a lot. and i know that. and he felt bad that he was frustrating me.
i know, because he holds me in public. even in front of a friend he'll pass on the street, he won't let go of my hand. or he'll put his arm around me. so yes, i can tell he likes me. but it's me. :p i should just stop. really.
i am going to pig out on mango jam and bread.