Friday, June 23, 2006

homeward bound

my short-lived adventure is over (until further notice). I have to fly back home tomorrow. Not that i have to, I WANT to. My grandmother collapsed last night and is in the ICU. :,( so i want to be there. she is supposed to turn 90 on the 4th.
anyway, i will just update whenever. I am so scared. from what i hear, she might not make it.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

"marley and me"

i just read the book "Marley and me" Marley looks exactly like my old yellow labrador bogart, actually my brother's. Bogart was a puppy of one of my first dogs Broker. Broker was a yellow lab as well and was a saint... along with my first jack russell Baker-girl (from bakersfield CA, my dad named her). Baker and Broker were inseperable (from each other and from me). anyway, that is a different post.
Bogart was adorable. He was a good dog, acted like a puppy as well. but generally good and not naughty like marley. :O) Bogart hated cats until i brought in one street kitten. Pedro (the kitten) would sleep beside bogart and even kiss him when he entered the house. Bogart didn't know what to do at first, but eventually he softened up, and would cuddle with Pedro.
Bogart died at 14 years old last year. The whole household was crying. We had to put him to sleep, but our vet told us to give him one last night for all of us to say good bye and make him as comfortable as possible. Bogart loved fruitloops. we even gave him hamburgers and steak. The next day we had to put him to sleep.
Reading "Marley and Me" reminded me exactly of what we went through. Our other dog Jacky, was sad for a while and wouldn't eat (surprisingly). I cried last night as i finished the book, adn it reminded me of why i don't want another dog (despite getting one earlier this year). :O( i miss my Bogart.

X's and O's

it's just so frustrating how my ex gave me a shitty camera and it doesn't work now and i can't get the pictures.
the camera frustrates me
he frustrates me, even after being away from each other for 5 months he still does. argh!
and now he is being all sentimental with me and apologetic.
well, men are funny, once they have something they get all cocky. and when they lose it, they are all nice and sweet.
but anyway, that chapter of my life is over, and i shouldn't even bother with it. and now he tells me that he fell in love with me too much. :p great

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Main Entry: Gyp·sy Pronunciation: 'jip-sE
Function: nounInflected Form(s): plural GypsiesEtymology: by shortening & alteration from Egyptian
1 : a member of a traditionally itinerant people who originated in northern India and now live chiefly in south and southwest Asia, Europe, and No. America
2 : ROMANY 2
3 not capitalized : one that resembles a Gypsy; especially : WANDERER

that's what i am, a wanderer. Though I am not exactly sure where my ancestors originated from... I just found out I have Russian ancestors... go figure... explains the family's fondness for vodka ;O) haha!

so here is my little spot for writing about my new adventures, maybe I will get nostalgic and write about the old ones...